
Siesta Key Florida

(941) 346-5443


Siesta Key FL. (941) 346-5443


Sarasota, FL is named #1 on the list of 10 Places you’ll want to visit right now!


10 Places In The U.S. You’ll Want To Visit Right Now

From amber waves of grain to purple mountains majesty, if you haven’t seen these 10 U.S. gems, you’re missing out. Although, with so many daily nonstop flights out of NYC, you’ll see the fruited plains quicker than you’ll catch a cab on a rainy day.

Sarasota, FL was named #1 on this list by JetBlue on Buzzfeed in 2013! Just another accolade to add to the list of incredible honors that Sarasota and Siesta Key have received in the past years. Come and see what all the buzz is about!

Sarasota has a surprising art scene. There are tons of art galleries as well as an opera house. You can also rent a boat to go parasailing and scuba diving cheaply, something that is obviously rare for most vacationers.

See the full list at: 10 Places In The U.S. You’ll Want To Visit Right Now (BuzzFeed – External Content)

Photo by Syd Krawczyk

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$14,000 from iconic Siesta Key Oyster Bar walls do...
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Comments 1

Guest - Frances Italiano on Monday, 29 April 2024 16:17

This was our first visit to Siesta Key and we absolutely loved it. We dined three times at the bar and all three times we had Gabriella. I hope she is greatly appreciated for her oustanding hard work. I’ve been in the service industry for 45 years and was quite impressed. Her ability to hear everyone perfectly at the same time and quickly make drinks is amazing. She’s rare to find in today’s world. She’s the core for your establishment. She makes money for the restaurant, servers all while taking pride and making the guest happy. Look forward to visiting again.

France’s italiano

This was our first visit to Siesta Key and we absolutely loved it. We dined three times at the bar and all three times we had Gabriella. I hope she is greatly appreciated for her oustanding hard work. I’ve been in the service industry for 45 years and was quite impressed. Her ability to hear everyone perfectly at the same time and quickly make drinks is amazing. She’s rare to find in today’s world. She’s the core for your establishment. She makes money for the restaurant, servers all while taking pride and making the guest happy. Look forward to visiting again. France’s italiano
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Saturday, 29 March 2025
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Hours Of Operation

Monday - Thursday 11:00 AM – 11:00 PM
Friday - Saturday 11:00 AM – 12:00 AM
Sunday 9:00 AM – 11:00 PM, (Sunday Brunch is served from 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM every Sunday).

Contact Us

Siesta Key Oyster Bar
5238 Ocean Blvd
Sarasota, FL 34242

(941) 346-5443


Copyright © Siesta Key Oyster Bar. All Rights Reserved.